They never get old. Really! If you wouldnt let Davey Havok molest you there is somethin wrong with you. ANYWAY! Ive been listening to a lot of the music I listened to in HS. I forgot how much I love it. And yes at one time all I listened to was hardcore and metal. Scary right? AHA. On to my post. ENJOY!
The List:
Hair: Exile- Carolyn (NEW!)
Skin: AL VULO!- Sally *sunkissed*
Top: The Whore Mansion- Hot Blouse
Skirt: [EY:NO]- Knitted Skirt (NEW!)
Fishnets: Erratic- Fishnets
Boots: DRD-Loose Boots with Knife
Socks: LEAGUE-Thermal Socks
Gloves: [GLUE INK]- Ree Gloves
Tattoo: [sleepy bozer]- Swamp Monster
Stomach Wound: REPULSE- Cunt Stomach Tattoo
Eyes: -Tres Blah- JeJune Hazel eyes
Lashes: Sorry.Asia- Eyelashes #8
Face Tattoo: Pekka- Bleeding Mouth
Piercings: Pekka- Omni Piercing
Necklace: Ryca- Rosa
Nails: Mstyle- My Perfect Long Nails
Bracelets: Mandala- SINRA bracelets
Teeth: PXL- Open Mouth prim teeth add-on