Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Meaning of a Tragedy

Okay so this is completely different than any post I have ever done but I must say I love this post probably more than the rest by far. So as I love all things mesh here is yet another amazing mesh item from the amazing Beetlebones. If you havent gone to the store or found this store on marketplace...well shame on you! Look into it. Lots of great mesh stuff!

The List:
Hair: Wasabi Pills- Amandine (MESH and NEW)
Skin: Pink Fuel- Elly
Lipstick: Glamorize- Vixen Lips in Vamp
Lip Sparkles: BP- Lip Sparkles
Centaur: BeetleBones- Mesh Centaur Body in White
Heart and Arrow: Little Pricks- Cupid is a Bitch
Eyes: Glam Affair- Stella Eyes v2