Thursday, November 24, 2011

Let it snow

So since I have redone the sim for winter, I have been super excited for Christmas and real winter weather.. Since I live in California our winter is nothing like the rest of the country. Unfortunatly here is San Francisco we don't get snow.. Maybe thats why I am obsessed with it. Haha. Who knows! Anywho! Vintage Tea has released a new scarf that I must say is PERFECT for winter! Its a must have. And I also went down to Krasota and picked up the new skin and I LOVE it! its adorable and I absolutely love the lip colors!

The List!
Hair: D!va!- Mirai (onyx) (NEW)
Skin: Krasota- Vivian Skin Tone 4 (NEW)
Vest: Cynful- Comfy Vest (in mustard) (NEW)
Top: Suicidal Unborn- Basic Tank
Scarf: Vintage Tea-Wool Scarf (NEW!)
Jeans: Cynful- Eve Britches
Feet: SLink- Barefeet Tiptoes
Nails: EY:NO- French Nails