TP to Sorry.Asia
The List!
Hair: Ploom- Natie (NEW!)
Shape: -YouriGami- Aria -Short (Modded) (NEW!)
Skin: AL VULO!- Sally (Sunkissed w/teeth)
Eyes: Sorry.Asia- Never Fantasy Eyes # 3 (Sale..S.A is going out of business!)
Top: ::villena::- B&R Top
Pants: {MonTissu}- Lou Lou Rolled (dark wash)
Shoes: Pixel Mode- Luna (Royal) **MESH**
Facial Piercings: <Pierce Of Mind>- Syndi Piercing
Tattoo: S (and) P- Leo Tattoo
Eyelashes: Sorry.Asia- Eyelashes # 9
Gloves: [GLUE INK]- Ree Gloves
Nails: EY:NO- Colorful Nails
Eyelashes: Sorry.Asia- Eyelashes # 9
Gloves: [GLUE INK]- Ree Gloves
Nails: EY:NO- Colorful Nails